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Strategy 3 Provide freight operators with tools to better navigate the city.

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Strategy 4

The actions within this strategy are divided into two categories:

Action we will DOActions we will SUPPORT

Action we will do are followed by “DO” and are colored in dark gray, and actions we will support are followed by “SUPPORT” and are colored in light gray.

Learn more about how we get there

A key part of this strategy is to update the 2002 Truck Route Network. The purpose of this network is to designate routes for trucks to travel based upon their trip purpose (across town or across the country) and serve as an input in future roadway redesigns. The network will be an overlay in the Street Design Guide so that designers are directed to consider freight demands when designing future roadway projects. The Truck Route Network will be updated in coordination with Minneapolis 2040 future land uses and freight truck volume data and comparing against routes established in the current Truck Route Map. The updated network will provide guidance to where trucks should travel unless otherwise impractical (typically for the last few blocks of a delivery).

Maintaining and updating the Truck Route Network as freight volumes change over time helps planners, designers, and managers of the street network keep decisions and impacts to freight a key part of street design and operation conversations.

  • Street with truck traffic

    Street with truck traffic


Actions to provide freight operators with tools to better navigate the city.

Freight 3.1

Adopt an update to the 2002 Truck Route Network; reduce the proportion of the network within areas of concentrated poverty with majority people of color to reduce disproportionate impacts in these neighborhoods.

Supported goals:

Climate Safety Prosperity Mobility

Related actions:





2020-2023 (Years 0-3)

Freight 3.2

Provide the Truck Route Network on the City’s website; publish it through an API.

An API stands for application programming interface; APIs are an interface that allows apps to take functionality and data from other apps.

Supported goals:

Prosperity Mobility

Related actions:

Technology 4.5




2020-2023 (Years 0-3)

Freight 3.3

Revise the Trucks and Truck Routes ordinance to align with the planning goals of this action plan.

Supported goals:

Climate Safety Prosperity Mobility

Related actions:





2020-2023 (Years 0-3)

Freight 3.4

Communicate live construction detour information affecting truck routes through the City’s website, an API and other communications outlets.

Supported goals:

Prosperity Mobility

Related actions:

Technology 4.5




2024-2027 (Years 4-7)

Freight 3.5

Support regional and statewide agencies in their freight planning efforts to install intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and other wayfinding or real-time signage information.

Supported goals:

Mobility Active Partnerships

Related actions:





2024-2027 (Years 4-7)