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Strategy 8 Develop a freight education program to educate the public and freight operators.

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Strategy 7
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Strategy 1

Education about the Truck Route Network is essential for making it useful. Having an informed driver population that understands which streets are more accommodating to larger freight vehicles will help deliveries run more smoothly, and keep drivers and others using our streets know where to expect potential truck traffic. Thinking about how to develop and communicate an education program that explains the goals, rationales, and expectations of freight delivery in the city is needed to better partner with freight operators and business owners.

On the public side, ensuring residents understand truck operating norms and limitations is helpful to promote safe behavior around large vehicles. Events like ‘behind the big wheel’ that has occurred at Open Streets helps bicyclists and pedestrians experience the vantage point from a large truck and where harder to see spots exist.

  • Truck navigates a local street alongside a bicyclist

    Truck navigates a local street alongside a bicyclist


Actions to develop a freight education program to educate the public and freight operators.

Freight 8.1

Develop an urban delivery handbook to help businesses and operators better understand the rules and regulations regarding the delivery of goods within the city.

Supported goals:

Safety Active Partnerships

Related actions:





2028-2030 (Years 8-10)

Freight 8.2

Collaborate with partners to educate truck drivers on City regulations, the Truck Route Network and online resources.

Supported goals:

Safety Active Partnerships

Related actions:

Freight 3.1, Freight 3.2




2024-2027 (Years 4-7)

Freight 8.3

Partner with others to host demonstrations at public events such as Open Streets to educate the public about safety around large vehicles.

Supported goals:

Safety Active Partnerships

Related actions:





2020-2023 (Years 0-3)

