The City of Minneapolis defines equity as fair and just opportunities and outcomes for all people, and defines racial equity as the development of policies, practices and strategic investments to reverse racial disparity trends, eliminate institutional racism, and ensure that outcomes and opportunities for all people are no longer predictable by race.1 Work to define equity specific to transportation was advanced through the planning efforts of the 20 Year Streets Funding Plan (2016) and has been an on-going conversation and guiding force for transportation work in the City since that time.
In July 2020 the Minneapolis City Council declared racism a public health emergency.2 The related resolution outlines citywide goals related to reversing hundreds of years of racist policies and practices in the city. The work will permeate throughout the enterprise; the work in our streets of planning, designing and building projects is a part of building an active, anti-racist culture in the City of Minneapolis.
Developing a racial equity framework for transportation will bring together pieces of work that already exist and bring new approaches related to goals, metrics, engagement and evaluation into one framework. Existing work to inform the framework include the Strategic Racial Equity Action Plan, Minneapolis 2040, Blueprint for Equitable Engagement, 20 Year Streets Funding Plan, and other parts of the Transportation Action Plan. The framework will be developed in partnership with community.
Create a racial equity framework to tie the transportation work of Public Works to citywide efforts of eliminating racism and achieving racial equity; use the framework to guide the engagement and evaluation work of transportation plans, programs and projects.
2020-2023 (Years 0-3)
Develop the racial equity framework with support and in collaboration with Minneapolis's Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities and the Division of Race and Equity.
Equity Active Partnerships
2020-2023 (Years 0-3)
Define and set racial equity goals relative to transportation, building from City Council's definition of racial equity, City's Strategic Racial Equity Action Plan and the methodology of the 20 Year Streets Funding Plan.
2020-2023 (Years 0-3)
Include acknowledgment of historic harms and transportation inequities in racial equity framework.
2020-2023 (Years 0-3)
Re-evaluate the use of the previous regional focus on areas of concentrated poverty with majority people of color (ACP50) areas as it relates to equity and transportation.
Equity Prosperity
2020-2023 (Years 0-3)
Update metrics in the Transportation Action Plan to reflect a more nuanced approach to regional equity considerations that better reflect the updated regional approach as defined by the Metropolitan Council and racial equity framework.
Equity Prosperity
2024-2027 (Years 4-7)
Adjust or reconfirm the methodology to the All Ages and Abilities Network and the Pedestrian Priority Network in the Transportation Action Plan to reflect updated approach to equity and transportation as defined in Progress Action 1.1.
Equity Mobility
2024-2027 (Years 4-7)
Update criteria used in the 20 Year Street Funding Plan to reflect a more nuanced approach to regional equity considerations to better reflect the regional approach as defined by the Metropolitan Council and the racial equity framework developed in Progress Action 1.1.
Equity Prosperity
2020-2023 (Years 0-3)
Continue to advocate for the Metropolitan Council to more explicitly invest and award projects to promote racial equity within the Regional Solicitation framework and project selection process.
Equity Active Partnerships
2020-2023 (Years 0-3)