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Strategy 2 Use quick-build tools to eliminate traffic related deaths and severe injuries on city streets.

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Strategy 1
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Strategy 3

The actions within this strategy are divided into two categories:

Action we will DOActions we will SUPPORT

Action we will do are followed by “DO” and are colored in dark gray, and actions we will support are followed by “SUPPORT” and are colored in light gray.

Learn more about how we get there

The City is committed to eliminating death and severe injuries on our streets by 2027. The City has a 2020-2022 Vision Zero Action Plan which outlines strategies and specific actions to get us closer to that goal. The way streets operate have a huge impact on safety for all modes; this strategy acknowledges the deep connection between street operations and Vision Zero without duplicating the Vision Zero Action Plan.

  • 4 lane undivided street

    4 lane undivided street

  • Reconfiguring space on W 15th Street Near Loring Park

    Reconfiguring space on W 15th Street Near Loring Park

  • Map of 4-Lane Undivided Streets

    Map of 4-Lane Undivided Streets


Actions to use quick-build tools to eliminate traffic related deaths and severe injuries on city streets.

Street Operations 2.1

Complete all Safe Streets strategies and actions in the Vision Zero Action Plan and any updates of the 2020-2022 plan, with a focus on reducing speeds, reconfiguring road space to support safer travel and encourage more people to walk, bike and take transit, and install safety improvements at intersections along High Injury Streets.

Supported goals:


Related actions:





2020-2023 (Years 0-3)

Street Operations 2.2

Prepare final evaluation of 4-lane undivided streets for safety conversions; potential design solutions include 4-to-3 lane conversions. Current 4-lane undivided streets for evaluation include:

  • Lyndale Avenue N between Plymouth Avenue and West Broadway
  • Hennepin Avenue S between Franklin Avenue and 31st Street
  • 3rd Avenue S between 1st Street S and 12th Street S
  • 31st Street E between 1st Avenue S and Park Avenue
  • Harmon Place between Spruce Place and 10th Street S
  • Johnson Street NE between Broadway Avenue NE and Interstate 35W freeway entrance ramp
  • Huron Boulevard SE between Fulton Street SE and Delaware Street SE
  • Lowry Avenue N between Queen Avenue N and Oliver Avenue N and Lowry Avenue N and NE between 4th Street N and Central Avenue NE
  • Broadway Avenue N and NE segments between Fremont Avenue N and University Avenue NE
  • Washington Avenue N segments between 14th Avenue N and 26th Avenue N
  • Lyndale Avenue S between Franklin Avenue and 31st Street • Cedar Avenue S between 24th Street and 38th Street and between 7th Street S and 9th Street S
  • Franklin Avenue between Aldrich Avenue S and Chicago Avenue
  • Lake Street segments between Dupont Avenue and West River Parkway
  • Excelsior Boulevard between France Avenue and Abbott Avenue S
  • University Avenue SE segments between Oak Street SE and St. Mary’s Avenue SE
  • Marshall Street NE from 30th Avenue NE to St. Anthony Parkway
  • Hennepin Avenue E segments between 8th Street SE and 33rd Ave SE
  • Central Avenue NE segments between 2nd Street SE and 27th Avenue NE
  • University Avenue NE and SE between Central Avenue and 27th Avenue NE


Supported goals:

Climate Safety Equity Prosperity Mobility Active Partnerships

Related actions:





2020-2023 (Years 0-3)



Street Operations 2.3

Evaluate the reconfiguration of 3-lane one-way streets to reduce travel lanes or add alternative uses.

Supported goals:

Safety Mobility

Related actions:





2020-2023 (Years 0-3)



Street Operations 2.4

Provide year-round maintenance for quick-build safety improvements, including replacement of bollards and striping.

Supported goals:

Safety Mobility

Related actions:





2020-2023 (Years 0-3)

